Tad studies music of the United States, particularly the lives and works of African American composers. His research interests include concert and popular music of the United States, archival work, music and fat studies, and aesthetics. His research seeks to understand the ways in which music reflects and contests social reality, as well as how forces of race, class, and gender produce our lived soundscape. Prior to attending Washington University in St. Louis, Tad completed his Master of Music degree at the University of Arizona, where he was selected as the distinguished master’s candidate. His master’s thesis is titled “Julia Perry’s Stabat Mater, Black Cultural History, and the Lynching of Christ.” Tad is a Lynne Cooper Harvey Fellow in American Culture Studies at Washington University in St. Louis.

Papers Presented

“‘The Fat Man’s dance was not only beautiful and exhilarating; it was glorious’ Music, Dance, and Humor in the Fat Men’s Association of New York City" Popular Culture Association, 2023.
“Julia Perry’s Stabat Mater and the Lynching of Christ” Society for American Music, 2022
“’Mi Bandera es Negra’: Articulating a Radical Politic for Guatemala Through Hip Hop” Society for Ethnomusicology, 2019; Society for American Music, 2020
“Julia Perry’s Stabat Mater and the Lynching of Christ” Society for American Music, 2022