As the violist of the esteemed Tesla Quartet and Duo Kayo, Edwin Kaplan has cultivated a distinguished musical career spanning several decades. He has graced the stages of renowned concert series in North America, Europe, and Asia, including the prestigious Wigmore Hall, Lincoln Center, and Tanglewood Music Center.
Edwin is a versatile musician, embracing a diverse range of repertoire, including contemporary compositions. He has participated in numerous premieres, including Andy Akiho's LIgNEouS and Zosha Di Castri’s String Quartet No. 1. Among his most cherished projects is the Tesla Quartet's annual call for scores, where he meticulously evaluates and selects from the many compositions submitted by composers worldwide.
As an advocate for music education, Edwin is dedicated to serving his community. Through his work with the Tesla Quartet, he conducts outreach programs at primary and high schools, and offers masterclasses at universities across North America. He also spent a year teaching at Mt. Allison University in Canada, collaborating with music faculty and students, and facilitating workshops for new compositions. He believes firmly in the importance of music education at all levels and has participated in adult amateur chamber music workshops at Kneisel Hall in Blue Hill, Maine, providing in-depth coaching and training to adults for whom music is a passion and hobby.
Edwin Kaplan holds a Doctor of Musical Arts, a Master of Music, and an Artist Diploma from the Yale University School of Music, and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is a highly accomplished and respected musician, revered for his virtuosity and artistry.